Google Local Service Ads- All You Need to Know


Google Local service ads will help you connect and get in contact with people who search on Google for the services you offer. Google service ads are a great supplement for local SEO strategy, specific services such as a locksmith, plumber, electricians, etc. in simple words you search for the service you want to avail in Google, and then you will find the service along with the number, ratings, and reviews. Local service ads will be listed in the SERP (search engine result page).

Google local ads display on mobiles, tablets, and desktops, they have crossed the limits of traditional search ads and also includes voice search.

Unlike Google ads, which use keywords, local service ads are selected through categories. With local service ads, you can appear at the highest point of search. Google recognized the need for trusted professionals back in 2015. Local service ads were initially named home service ads.

It will be featured in the Google assistant’s response to relevant voice searches. The Google Assistant will also enquire about the searcher’s job type and location to find the highest quality match. It is much cheaper than traditional pay per click (PPC).

Google Guarantee

The top advertisers have a Google guarantee badge next to their name. To qualify for this, technicians must pass a background check performed by Google.

They must meet licensing and insurance requirements. These are not required for all industries. The badge should not be used for any other marketing purposes outside of Google local services. People trust Google and anything backed by Google will increase the advertiser’s reputation.

Ad Ranks

This depends upon the proximity of the user, responsiveness to the people that contact through these ads, business ratings, and reviews. Major or multiple complaints against you could lead to the suspension of your ads from this program.

Benefits of Google Local Service Ads

Pay per leads

Unlike Google ads where advertisers pay per click, local service ads are pay per lead. So, you don’t get charged per click.

It is lead when you receive an email or message from a customer, a voicemail, or when you answer a phone call and speak to the customer. Local service advertisers will only be charged for valid leads. If the lead is fraudulent, spam, or a poor match, you can dispute the charge for your claim. This approach eliminates unqualified traffic.

Irrelevant and spam leads are a waste of time and money. Local service ads provide more transparency and it’s easier to determine how much money you need to spend to get a positive ROI. You are not charged for clicks or any other metrics that don’t give you a fair chance to earn your money back.

Positive reviews and ratings

Every local service ads include past customer reviews and ratings to gain the trust of the searcher. Local service ads are included in voice search responses

20% of searches come from voice searches. It is one of the few ways to make sure you are found on one of the 400 million devices powered by Google assistant.

No ads or keywords

Keywords and ad testing can be a herculean task. Local service ads will automatically trigger when a customer searches for one of the thousands of relevant search terms.

Local service ads drive more visibility and clicks

Having your advertisement in the top results will create more visibility and leads to your customers according to data when local service ads receive 14% of all clicks.

Target exactly where and when your local services ad display

Google local service ads provide an option for specific target options where you will be able to choose when and where you want the ads to appear. You can choose the exact cities and zip codes where you can offer a service.

For instance, if your business is slow in a particular area then you can run your ads only in that area to promote sales. You can also pause your ads if you feel the response is overwhelming or if the business is temporally closed. Despite your ad being paused, your listing is still eligible to show. The advertiser will not be charged for any leads it drives when the ad is paused.

Google screened is a badge given to financial planners, real estate business, lawyers, etc. these types of businesses can also use local service ads to generate leads.

Earn confidence with Google guarantee

Customers would be willing to obtain services, which is backed by a guarantee from a reputed company like Google. This develops an automatic trust among searchers with your business. The consumer also has the advantage of immediacy, convenience, and trust. The top three ads will be adequate to make a decision.


40% of people only consider one local business before making a decision. As LSA is displayed in the top results, it is advantageous for business when customer consults only with one business before making a decision.

61% of mobile users call a business when they have mostly made up their mind to avail service from that particular business. The average click rate for PPC ads is only 2%; the average click-through rate for the top paid result on the screen is almost 8%.

86% of people said that they find a local business through local business. 63% of people said that they would click on a Google ad. 4 in 5 consumers want ads customized according to their city, zip code, and businesses. 28% of local searches result in a purchase.

Getting started with Google local service ads

LSA is available for certain industries and certain regions. If you are eligible, you will be guided through creating an account to manage LSA.

LSA ads business profile will determine which jobs are matched to your local service ads. Be honest about what kind of services and which areas you want leads in. business profile includes your weekly budget, business hours, service areas, and job types.

To earn a Google guarantee and run local service ads you need to submit proof that the business is licensed and insured. Background check- before sending people to a user’s home Google wants to ensure the safety of users therefore the advertiser has to complete a background check.

Google partners with a third party to perform background checks. Once the business profile is complete you can launch your ad and start collecting new leads

From your business profile, you can manage your budget by raising and lowering the average weekly budget. Goggle attempts to distribute your budget evenly so that you do not get leads at once and spend your entire budget early.

Reviews play an important role in ad rank. Google determines the top profiles according to the budget, location, reviews, and bidding. It’s important to collect reviews from satisfied customers. Ask customers directly to leave a review on Google for you. The advertiser can also review the job, make sure to personalize the message to your customers to increase the likelihood that they leave a review for you.

The primary focus should be on responding to leads and reviews promptly. Considering the priority placement of ads, the low cost of the leads Google local service is a good marketing strategy. Local service ads are great for small businesses with good customer service and phone leads.

Also Read: Sales Funnel for your Small Business


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